Nobivac Rabies

An inactivated vaccine for control of rabies in dogs and cats. This product may only be prescribed by your veterinary practitioner from whom advice must be sought.

Product Information for Vets – Nobivac Rabies

Nobivac Rabies is an inactivated vaccine containing > 2 I.U. Rabies virus strain Pasteur RIV per dose. Also contains Aluminium phosphate as an adjuvant. 0.1 ml Thiomersal are added as a preservative.

Owners wishing to take their pets abroad under the Pet Travel Scheme must ensure that they are microchipped and vaccinated against rabies.

In order to provide sufficient time to meet the requirements of the Pet Passport travel scheme it is recommended that vaccination against rabies should be done at least one month before you travel to ensure animals are immune before embarking. However, an animal can travel before this time if necessary. Clearance to return to the Ireland will be granted after three weeks in country of destination (from date of vaccination). For uses, dosage, contra-indications and warnings please consult product leaflet. Further information is available on request. Use medicines responsibly. 

Legal category 

Packaging Quantities 
Cardboard box with 1, 10 or 50 glass type I vials with 1 ml, and carton with 1 vial of type 1 with 10 ml, with a rubber stopper and aluminium cap. Not all presentations may be marketed.

Summary of Product Characteristics

For Summary of Product Characteristics, first click on this link. Then scroll down to Documents section. Subsequently click on PDF version on line opposite Summary of Product Characteristics.